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Thegiornalisti - Riccione

Le navi salpano
le spiagge bruciano
selfie di ragazze dentro i bagni
che si amano
la notte è giovane
giovani vecchi
parlami d'amore
che domani sarò a pezzi
intanto cerco in mare
un'aquila reale
tra poche ore, tra poche ore

Riccione - Thegiornalisti: Lyrics and Translations

Under the sun, under the sun
Riccione, Riccione
I repent
And I don't think more, and not think about it anymore
I slapped him in the face, I slapped him in the face
With the waves and with the wind, I
As if they were you
As if they were you
As if they were you

Selfie Di Ragazze Dentro I Bagni Che Si Amano

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Selfie Di Ragazze Dentro I Bagni Che Si Amano

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Lantidolorificononpuòguarireilmaledellamiaanima - Hash Tags

Deskgram is a powerful tool for telling a visual story about your brand. As social media users continue to demand more visual content, brands will need a platform where they can share photos that will visually engage their target audience.

Instagram Post by Letizia Pierotti (@laletyzia)

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Vox Italica

un'aquila reale
a golden eagle

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